

In the pursuit of perfect makeup, the importance of eyebrows is self-evident. They add dimension and expression to the entire face, so choosing a quality brow pencil is crucial. Today I’m giving you an inside look at the ingredients behind our private label eyebrow pencils and how they’re the secret weapon to perfect brows.

1. Waxy ingredients:

The wax component in the eyebrow pencil is the basis of its texture, affecting the smoothness of the strokes and the uniformity of the color. Usually, natural or synthetic waxes such as microcrystalline wax and beeswax are used in eyebrow pencils. They have good ductility and adhesion, which can ensure that the eyebrow makeup is long-lasting and not easy to fall off.

2. Dyes and Pigments:

The dyes and pigments in the eyebrow pencil determine the color and color saturation of the eyebrow pencil. From natural brown to deep black, eyebrow pencils in a variety of colors need to be carefully blended to suit different skin tones and hair colors. At the same time, the quality of dyes and pigments also directly affects the durability and stability of eyebrow makeup.

3. Oil and moisturizing ingredients:

In order to make the eyebrow pencil easier to apply and spread evenly, a certain proportion of oil ingredients, such as vegetable oil, stearic acid, etc., are usually added. These oils can not only improve the smoothness of the eyebrow pencil, but also provide a certain amount of moisture and protection for the eyebrows during use.

4. Antioxidants and preservatives:

In order to extend the service life of eyebrow pencils and prevent them from deterioration and mildew, some antioxidants and preservatives are usually added to eyebrow pencils. These ingredients help maintain the stability and quality of the eyebrow pencil, ensuring that users can enjoy a safe and reliable eyebrow makeup product when using it.

Our own brand eyebrow pencil is not just a makeup product, it is a beauty tool that can enhance your overall makeup quality. Through the selection of natural plant extracts, high-quality pigments, long-lasting waterproof formula and comfortable and smooth texture, we are committed to bringing you the perfect eyebrow makeup product to make you look confident and beautiful at all times!

Post time: Feb-28-2024