

Ulwelo olunePigmented ephezulu eBhulush eDityaniswa yiNdalo kuzo zonke iiTowuni zolusu zoBuso uMvelisi woBuso

Inkcazelo emfutshane:

Ubukhrim bolulwelo blush lutyibilika lula eluswini, lukhulisa ukunwebeka kwalo ixesha elide, ukuqaqamba okukhangeleka kwendalo nakweyiphi na ithoni yesikhumba.

  • Igama lemveliso:I-Pigmented Liquid Blush Kakhulu
  • Umbala:Isiko
  • Ifomu yomba:Ulwelo
  • Gqibezela isimbo:Velvet
  • Ukhuselo:Ikhaphukhaphu
  • Uphawu:I-Pigmented kakhulu, iNdalo, ayinankohlakalo, iyaxutywa, kulo lonke ulusu
  • Izithako:I-Acetate, i-Olea Europaea Fruit Oil, i-Squalane
  • Iinkcukacha zeMveliso


    Iithegi zeMveliso

    Ileyibhile yaBucala yomthengisi Makeup uMboneleli weNkonzo egcweleyo

    I-Tocopheryl acetate inemisebenzi ye-anti-oxidation, i-anti-photoaging, kunye nokuthintela umsebenzi we-tyrosinase, kwaye inefuthe elithile ekukhuseleni ulusu.
    I-squalane: Iyakwazi ukukhulula ngokufanelekileyo ulusu olomileyo kwaye igcine ukunwebeka kolusu kunye nokutyeba.
    I-Olea ye-Olea ye-Oli yeSiqhamo ifunxeka lula eluswini, ihlaziye kwaye iyindalo, ngaphandle kokuziva kunamafutha.

    Ulwelo oluneCream yokuthungwa:

    Ifomula ethambileyo kwaye egudileyo enokusasazeka okuhle kunye nokukhanya kwendalo.

    Umbala olungiselelweyo:

    Ngokombala wolusu olwahlukileyo lomntu ngamnye, sibonelela ngeendlela ezahlukeneyo zemibala, ukuze udityaniswe ngokugqibeleleyo nolusu lwakho kwaye wenze ukwakheka okunempilo nokunencasa.

    Ifomula ehlala ixesha elide:

    Khetha ifomula yobuchwephesha yokunxiba ixesha elide ukwenza isiseko sakho sokuzihombisa sibe sendalo kwaye sihlale ixesha elide.

    Izatifikethi topfeelbeauty

  • Ngaphambili:
  • Okulandelayo:

  • Phezulu Feel Ubuhlengumvelisi wezinto zokuthambisa zoqobo kunye nomthengisi wokuthambisa.Sineefektri ezi-2 kunye nesiseko semveliso siseGuangzhou / Zhuhai, eGuangdong.

    Q:Indlela yokunxibelelana nawe?

    A: Below each product and on the right side of the website, there will be an entry for sending message. Please kindly fill in your contact information and inquiry there or email directly to beauty@topfeelgroup.com, we will contact you as soon as possible. Due to the time difference, the reply may be delayed, please wait with patience :

    Q: Ndingazifumana iisampulu zovavanyo?

    A: Ewe, nceda uthumele umyalezo ukuze usixelele iisampuli ozifunayo!Umbala wokuthambisa, ukhathalelo lwesikhumba kunye nezixhobo zobuhle akukho ngxaki.

    Q: Ngaba ezi mveliso zikhuselekile?

    A: Siyi-GMP kunye ne-ISO22716 yokwenziwa kwezatifikethi, sinikezela ngenkonzo ye-OEM/ODM, sinokwenza ngokwezifiso ukwenziwa kwefolatha entsha.Yonke ifomula yethu ihambelana ne-EU / FDA Regulation, Akukho Paraben, I-Cruelty Free, Vegan njl. Yonke ifomula inokubonelela nge-MSDS kwinto nganye.



    Bhala umyalezo wakho apha kwaye uwuthumele kuthi